Our Mission


PEACE is an anagram that represents:

Preservation Education of Arts Culture Environment


In summary, the PEACE model is a community centred framework that provides a hub in infrastructure, learning and technology support into community.  The emphasis is to serve disadvantaged populations and support existing NGO, charity and legitimate cause related endeavours.

Each centre forms part of a sustainable knowledge community in physical and an online sustainable knowledge community.  The centres feature cultural exchange, transpersonal and values awareness learning that is tailored to the needs of the area it resides.  It is perceived that all centres will provide the following:

  • Heritage preservation and learning regarding the Indigenous culture and other values traditions specific to the region.
  • Education, workshop and learning programmes of sustainability.
  • Accessibility and knowledge information regarding alternate plant medicines and health care that can be procured locally by the poor
  • Environmental education for global footprint sustainability - i.e. pollution control through right practices - air, water, land, waste etc.
  • Nutrition education for optimum family health
  • Clinic or hospital access for alternate and allopathic treatment
  • Community watch programmes for social advocacy - i.e. creating awareness about the plight of others subjected to behaviours that might currently be perceived acceptable.  This may include mental health programmes, children needs and behaviours, women and mens' care
  • Values awareness in alignment with international systemic society and social cultural communities.  Understanding others
  • Individual rights and social justice
  • Transpersonal and resilience recovery and robustness programmes
  • Technology and development
  • Organic and alternate regenerative farming techniques
  • Animal rights and awareness
  • Disaster recovery and survival - what to do in the event of...
  • Building sustainable business models and incubator.  Natural spa, plant and organic commodities.  Design and artisan trades.
  • LIfestyles and personal wellbeing, stress management - such as yoga, qi gong, tai chi, reiki and bodywork
  • Creative therapies - music, vibrational healing, dance and free interactive balance
  • International perspectives. learning and workshops in all of these areas and others from practitioners, facilitators and knowledge experts who visit and exchange cultural specific traditions and expertise with other communities.
  • Functions, promotions and programmes that contribute to global knowledge repository of sustainable blue print culture.

The activities of the centre are perceived to extend into grass roots - the villages and communities of the regions where situated.  In turn international visitors to the centre shall be able to participate in locally oriented programmes for the benefit of their own learning and awareness.


Gaia Life Peace Organization

Temple Flowering Goddess