About Us

Our organization is leading a profound transformation. Our commitment is to stand firm in our actions, which we believe will provide results and positive changes in our world.  We believe mankind CAN live in peaceful harmony with each other and sustainably with our environment and other creatures who make up the systems and cycles of this planet - we call GAIA or our original people call Great Mother Earth.

Mother she is, for within her core she once gave birth from a molten, volcanic womb with such fiery force that the first building blocks for life as we know it were pushed to the surface and ignited life with the contact from the elements of her protective atmosphere and the universe beyond.  Without her the journey of Man as we know it, would not have been possible.  To this day and every day forward, our own lives and that of our children will not be possible without her life giving conditions.  

For too long, we as international society, as progressive evolving civilisations have taken the value of our Mother Gaia for granted.  Until recently, we might be forgiven for scientific and societal ignorance.  With the contemporary changes to the way most of us now live as a global society, no longer can we claim the uneducated oblivion of fools who lack the 'big picture' in isolated communities.  Now that we live global, our systems are global, our trade and communications are global and internet links us together with instant global knowledge - our world societies have come to understand and scientifically prove that Mother Earth is indeed indispensible to our survival.  Our attempts to exploit her natural resources do not come without repercussions - increasingly serious repercussions - to our very survival.  For many generations our Mother Earth seemed enormous, unfathomable and we were forever free to wander, establish and expand without ever thinking that we might one day go too far and damage, pollute or use up all the plentiful supply we took freely from our environs.  But that day has arrived and is past.  

Our civilisation and future is in grave jeopardy.  None of the many advanced patriarchal civilisations we know that fell before have had the severe impact on environment that our current society does.  We have achieved a high degree of democratic peace or benevolence through capitalist economic trade driven relations by international society.  The paradox is that this same capitalist model is also driving a rapid path to mass extinction and global environmental destruction that could cause the demise, misery and suffering of all who once benefited from liberal economic sustainable development.  Indeed our scientists and earth people have attested that our Great Mother Earth is also seeking to rectify the damage imbalance - the result whether to human impelled or natural climate change, is frequent environmental disasters that strike any people, any community, any location world wide.  There is no control over when and where these may strike and nowhere on Earth that might be 'safe' to escape to.  No amount of capitalist wealth that might buy privelege from such disasters.

One thing that the global citizens of this planet agree upon is, that we have to change our model for living - our societal rules and norms for governance and sharing - in respect to our environment.  We embrace the word SUSTAINABILITY.  We acknowledge that change is imminent.  If we fail to act, that change will be forced upon us through the results of apathy.  Our world is passionate about this need for change.  Yet to change is a huge leap of faith and courage.  Further - those who govern our society aren't quite sure 'how' to change.  This is not from ignorance about what actions should be taken.  The uncertainty from those in governance comes in response to the people who voted them to administer our democracies.  Or those whose role is to dictate rule and order responsibly.  

The issue of 'how' to change stems from the fact that we address the problem from inside the same system that is currently degrading.  We then develop solutions and strategies using tools, technologies and processes that are part of the same system that is causing our problem.  We cannot fix the outside rim of our wheel, because we are looking at it from only the inside spokes.  This reductionist view prevents us from identifying and making the changes necessary.  Why?  Because our current system feeds us.  If we suddenly stop - what happens to society, how do we survive?  This is why we continue to fix the dents in the hub and the individual spokes of our systemic wheel.  Until we reach break point.  We have seen the signs - major economic crisis and global recessions, drastic climate disasters and global conflict that ravages and displaces millions.  

Just before break point some of our culture begins to rise up - through disatisfaction of the apathy.  Perhaps this is what we are witnessing with the 'Occupy Movement' and other protests against corporate greed.  It is apparent that for this dissent to be resolved, a way forward - a new model  developed outside the reductionist constraints must be engaged and adopted.  This model must fulfill the principles of our democratic governance and universal human rights.  Yet this model must evolve or radically change the capitalist, communist and other patriarchal models of systemic rule (i.e. those practices brought forward since Greek and Roman Empires).  The term patriarchal is not offered to define a gender oriented view.  It is used in the context that only patriarchal models of government have sought to deny, opress and exclude the consideration and respect of Nature and cycles in lack of what we now term environmental sustainability.  This political exclusion of a prior spiritual governance has indeed led to the very reductionist view and systemic operation that has resulted in our global governance deficit.  Pure feminist thought from inside the spokes of the patriarchal wheel can do no more than any other political theories approaching the system within the system.

Practically, to bring the change in society that is required to save our civilisation and environment we must act with courage and commitment to a new level of awareness and practice.  We must implement sustainable REGENERATIVE practices in business, and adaptive survival planning for societies.  We must educate and share knowledge of sustainable awareness.  We must make it easy for communities to change by introducing viable options for prosperity and harmony with minimised environmental and human conflict damage.  The Gaia Life Way of Peace Organization is a unique strategic framework that integrates governance, business and culture with drivers of global justice and international relations; sustainable business practice that also regenerates into community of operation and global causes in social responsibility.  It is about grass roots networking of cultures in global communities to preserve, educate and share cultural heritage, ethical trade and values ethics that promote peace and sustainability.    

To achieve this, we have a team of leaders and visionaries who every day make possible the transformation we want. Besides these leaders, support our allies are essential to ensure the continuity of our actions.

Also have a very well structured volunteer program, which welcomes people of all ages, sexes, vocational and educational levels, who wish to be linked to the social impact actions we take, as part of the core activities of the organization.


Welcome to our Gaia Peace Project site.  Please re-visit us as we update this website over the early months of 2012.  We have much progress to report and will attempt to do so during our busy schedules.

y.  The centres feature cultural exchange, transpersonal and values awareness learning that is tailored to the needs of the area it resides.  It is perceived tha



Gaia Life Peace Organization

Temple Flowering Goddess